निरामय योग केंद्र

योग विद्या गुरुकुल , नासिक मान्यता प्राप्त


Kids Yoga

Weight Control

EVENTS / उपक्रम

Yog Sanjivan / योग संजीवन


15 Days

Yog Pravesh / योग प्रवेश


30 Days

Yog Parichay / योग परिचय


2 Month

On Going

Surya Namaskar / सूर्य नमस्कार

Short Course

7-15 Days

Pranayam / प्राणायाम

Short Course

7-15 Days

Con build / आत्मविश्वास संवर्धन

Short Course

7-15 Days

Kids Yoga / योग प्रवेश

Short Course

7-15 Days


Weight Control . योग प्रवेश

Short Course

7-15 Days


Awards and Achivements / पुरस्कार व उपलब्धी

"Appreciation by yog parichay sadhaks"

"Appreciation by yog parichay sadhaks"

"Appreciation by yog parichay sadhaks"

Reviews and Experiences / मनोगत व अनुभव

The lockdown due to COVID has altered the traditional teaching-learning mechanisms with the e-learning.. thank you mam.. for making a differerence. and accepting this requires strong self motivation. you are conducting the classes very nicely..Bravo for your initiative.

Utkarsha Deshmukh

Yog Pravesh Varg

Before this class I was quite depressed.There was some kind of fear inside me. But after this class I have become very much confident. That one sentence during yognidra that I will study regularly and will pass all the exams gives lot of courage. Thank you so much ma'am for arranging this program

Snehal pawar

Confidence building session

वैशाली मॅडम यांच्याशी योग प्रवेश वर्गाच्या निमित्ताने ओळख झाली. त्यांच्यामुळेच योगामध्ये विशेष आवड निर्माण झाली. अहिरे मॅडम अतिशय उत्कृष्ट योग शिक्षक आहेत. योग साधकांसाठी अतिशय खडतर व सातत्याने परिश्रम घेत असतात. त्यांनी घेतलेल्या योगवर्गांमुळे संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्रातील कान्या कोपऱ्यात योग पोहचण्यास मदत झाली आहे.

शीतल जगताप.

Yog Pravesh Varg


Mrs. Vaishali Ahire

Yog Shikshak

Yog Adyapak

Yog Adyapak

Yog Adyapak

Yog Adyapak

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Vaishali Ahire has completed Yoga Certification Board YCB Level-3 examination and recognised as Yoga Teacher and Evaluator.She has conducted various Yoga sessions offline as well as online mode.She conducted seven Yog Pravesh classes,two Yog Parichay classes and has taught yoga over 250 students through various Yoga sessions of Surynamkaskar,Atma vishwas sawanrdhan,Pranayam.She was instrumental in delivering special session of Pranayam for COVID patients at Covid Care Centre, MPKV, Rahuri.

Dr. Milind Ahire

Yog Shikshak

Yog Adyapak

Yog Adyapak

Yog Adyapak

Yog Adyapak

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Milind Ahire has completed Yoga Teacher from Yoga Vidya Gurukul .He has conducted various Yoga sessions offline as well as online mode as Assistant Yoga Teacher.He has assisted in seven Yog Pravesh classes,two Yog Parichay classes and has taught yoga over 150 students through various Yoga sessions of Surynamkaskar, Pranayam. He participated special session of Pranayam for COVID patients at Covid Care Centre, MPKV, Rahuri.

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M.P.K.V , Rahuri 413722